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When same-sex couples look to get a divorce in the State of California, the common assumption is that it will be a different process than a traditional marriage. This is not the case! In the eyes of the California judicial system the same process will apply as any other type of marriage. At A Fair Way Mediation, we were one of the first divorce mediators in Riverside and throughout Southern California to begin helping same sex couples get a divorce and move on with their lives!

For a free consultation, please fill out our "Start Evaluation" form or give us a call!


Peaceful and Affordable Divorce Mediation Services

We fully understand a divorce can be extremely stressful on each individual, even more so when children are involved. There can be some sort of resentment and this can also lead to anger and frustration during a divorce, and our team fullly understands these feelings. This is why we provide a peaceful and welcoming environment for each of you to be able to discuss the issues at hand that need to be worked out so it's mutually beneficial for each party. When couples end up getting their own lawyers, this is when things can contentious. Lawyers are looking out for their own clients and the ultimate goal is to "win" at all costs, this can not only end up costing thousands of dollars in lawyer fees for each of you, but also extend the time for a divorce from a few weeks, litigation can take anywhere between 6-14 months.

Which leads us to divorce mediation being affordable. With the right divorce mediator, the costs often come in on average around $3500 - $6500 depending on the complexity of the case and your ability to comunicate. When divorce lawyers are used, each individual can easily pay $25,000+ in lawyer fees which can continue to go up as the divorce drags out over time.

Trusted Riverside Divorce Mediator

We take sincere pride in being a trusted divorce mediator serving the Riverside region. We have over 4 decades of experience and have helped 100s of couples navigate the complex divorce process and allow them to move on with their lives. A Fair Way Mediation does not take "cookie cutter" approach to the divorce process, we understand every couple is different and some cases are just simply more complex than others, but either way, we take the time to listen intently to your needs and goals and work diligently to come up with a fair and balanced solution for each of you.

For a free consultation, please fill out our "Start Evaluation" form or give us a call!


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Why Choose A Fair Way

  • Clients Never Go To Court
  • Flexible Appointment Schedule
  • Fair Pricing
  • Case Settled On Your Time, Not the Courts

2 Locations - San Diego and Palm Springs

San Diego

Coachella Valley