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Child Support and Divorce Mediation

When you are starting out a divorce, or currently going through a divorce, when children are involved it can change the complexity of your overall situation. There is a wide range of issues to discuss when it comes to child support such as the need to be able to care fot the child, extra curricular activities, healthcare, and other various expenses that arise with children. You both love your children dearly, and a divorce may seem very difficult, but if properly discussed, the family unite can still remain intact upon completion.

We offer a free consultation, use our "Start Evaluation" form or call us today!


Stress and anger are a common issue that arises in the discussions regarding child support. Matters get worse when each side brings in their own divorce lawyer, it can get even more expensive and stressful. The best part about divorce mediation is that each of ou will be able to lay out your needs and wants to provide properly for the child or children. You will be allowed to communicate effectively without having exorbitant fees.

Child Support Divorce Mediator

With mediation, you don't have to go back and forth through your lawyers to keep discussions moving, resulting in 100s of billable hours. And lawyer don't often communicate your needs how you wanted them communicated causing more time to completion. All of the couples who have worked with A Fair Way Mediation that have child support discussions have been able to successfully work out their differences.

The goal of child support discussions isn't to "win", the goal is for the parties involved to be comfortable with the outcome so they can peacefully move on. In many cases are stronger family bond is created after these discussions.

California Child Support Legal Definition

The legal definition provided by a judge describes child support as "a court order for a certain amount of money divorced or separated parents must pay each month to help cover their children's living expenses. In California Law, the law sets out specific guidelines that courts must follow when determining how much child support parents must pay."

Another common question is, how does the court determine income to calculate child support? The quick answer is that each parents net disposable income is used to calculate child support. You can learn more and calculate child support payments

If you would like to get more information, or have questions, please fill out our 'Start Evaluation' form or give us a call!


2 Locations - San Diego and Palm Springs

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