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Unfortunately, adultery is common and impacts countless relationships that usually leads the ending of marriages. According to Business Insider, in a study by relationship experts and psychologists that studied the science of infidelity, there are some surprising insights on a cheating spouse. Here are some of those findings:

Economically dependent spouses are more likely to cheat.
People feel differently based on the sex their spouse cheats with.
The average person’s chance of cheating is about 42%.
Straight men are more upset by sexual infidelity, whereas straight women are more upset by emotional affairs.
People are more likely to cheat around ages 39 and 49, right before they hit the big 40 or 50.
Genetics may influence the likelihood of straying.
Nowadays, women are as likely as men to cheat.
Older Americans are more likely to cheat than younger Americans.
Emotional affairs are becoming more common.
The key factor that keeps people from cheating is morality.
Previous cheaters are more likely to cheat again.

With a little bit more insight to adultery (cheating), you want to know more about how this affects child custody cases. In order to fully understand the law, you must realize that California courts have no-fault divorce laws. This means that spouses can file for a divorce without blaming the spouse. California courts and judges are not concerned as to why a marriage is not succeeding, but more so that the marriage is irretrievably broken.

By far in a majority of cases involving adultery, cheating will not affect child custody. It can affect child custody if the cheating parent let this impact their ability to properly care or "parent" for the child. For example, if a person left their child all alone for an entire night so they could go to someone's place while the other was away, then this would have an impact.

Example 2: A father who is cheating parades his girlfriend around the family residence in front of his teenage children while the mother is at work. If this affects teh children's emotions along with the physical well-being then this would have an impact on child custody. But all in all, affairs are kept secret and do not have a negative impact on parenting custody righs.

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