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Divorce isn’t easy for any couple, but military couples must also abide by unique regulations specific only to military divorce. There are procedures, formalities and rules that require legal protections for the military member, division of property and military pensions, emergency court orders pertaining to child support, and residency requirements for filing for divorce. Couples may have difficulty deciphering the military’s unique divorce rules. It can be overwhelming, but don’t think you have to go through it alone. There is help to be found.

Military Divorce:  First things First

If you are thinking about a divorce, your own military base can be a good source of information to answer questions and provide support. Legal assistance offices, located on almost every base, ship and installation, offer free consultations and advice on all the specific issues related to military divorce. If you need more assistance than they can provide---such as help filing for divorce---they may refer you to a mediator or attorney in the correct jurisdiction of where you need to file. That jurisdiction may not be where both spouses are living. For instance, if one spouse is on active duty overseas or in a different state, they have to be served divorce papers where they are on duty, and that means travel time spent to serve the papers. The spouse being served can refuse to accept the divorce papers further prolonging the divorce process.

Save Time and Effort with Long-Distance Divorce Mediation

You may have heard about divorce mediation and its many advantages for military members. Divorce mediation is:

Emotionally Neutral
Couples Making Decisions
Settlements that Matter

You may not know that another benefit mediation offers is long-distance divorce mediation sessions. Technology offers couples a way to experience mediation even if one member is unable or unwilling to meet face to face, as in the case of a spouse on active duty overseas or living in another state. It can be facilitated through telephone, email, Skype, or any other method of video conferencing. Long-distance mediation can be as effective and as powerful as face-to-face mediation with a few simple factors in place:

Maintain Neutrality - There should never be any solo sessions; all mediation activities should involve both partners.

Clear Technology – The connection, whether phone or internet, must be reliable and crystal-clear.

Fair Schedule – Dates must be locked-out due to individual schedules, so no one is ever prevented from participating.

Whether interested in a long-distance mediation or traditional mediation, A Fair Way Mediation can help. Our experienced and professional mediators have a deep understanding of the particular circumstances that military families face. They can lead you through a stress-free divorce process that achieves a mutually satisfying outcome for both parties. For more information Military Divorce Mediation

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  • Clients Never Go To Court
  • Flexible Appointment Schedule
  • Fair Pricing
  • Case Settled On Your Time, Not the Courts

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